
we remember

In lieu of Fashion Friday, I’d like to take a moment and remember the victims, their families, and the heroes of 9-11. You are still in our prayers.

Eight years ago, on 9-11, my baby girl was just 5 days old…she woke me up early that morning so I flipped on the tv, still groggy and hoping to fall back asleep on the couch after feeding her. It was around 6am (pacific time) and Brandon was still sleeping…we were living in a little one bedroom apartment in Las Vegas, excited about having just become parents.

I sat in utter shock as I watched the news, panicked at the thought of bringing a child into this world. Tears wouldn’t stop for days after that…having just had baby didn’t help control my emotions!.

How about you? Where we you when you got the news of the terrorist attack?

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